Lleyton is thinking hard...going through the events that he has gone through for the past two weeks while Daddy was not around. Updates for Daddy:
1) BBQ at Fourth Grand-aunt place
2) Dining with Mummy, Grandpa & Grandma at Ajisen Ramen (Square 2), followed by groceries shopping at NTUC
3) Shopping with Mummy & Aunt LM - United Square & Velocity
4) Celebrated Cousin's Bin Bin's 1st birthday
5) Played MJ with Mummy, Aunt LM & Mummy's colleagues
6) Routine swimming with Mummy
7) Saturday breakfast at Kallang Bahru and groceries shopping at NTUC (Yes, again! To stock up on Lleyton's rice cereal and baby biscuits)
8) Attended Mummy's colleague's son's 1st Birthday