These kids are definitely growing fast.. with Leanne eating almost the same portion as her brother, and playing games that her brother is playing. That is the reason why the big brother has been reminded several times that he ought to set good examples for his little sister.
For a change, besides building his Thomas the train set, Lleyton now prefers to do his writing exercises and maths activities nowadays, and has taken an interest in spelling. His usual phrase: "Mummy, XXXX (e.g. truck) - A B C D is what?". What he meant was to find out how to spell a certain word. To date, though he can spell only a couple of words (i.e. Lleyton, apple, cat, cap, car, brush, bus - almost) on his own, it is still a good attempt. He has been teaching Leanne new words as well. Glad that they are helping each other.