Sunday, May 22, 2011
Cold Storage Kids' Run 2011

New gadget at East Coast Park
Random shots of the kids
Magadascar Nite..
超省时妙招。。 and it worked!
The terrible 2s have started. And indeed terrible. Leanne loves to throw tantrums, cries non-stop in order to get what she wants, screams at the top of her voice. Mummy has a perfect plan, which she learned from the show "超省时妙招". This technique basically states that any crying baby who watched herself cry on video, will stop almost immediately. So she puts it into practice, filmed Leanne crying non-stop and showed it to her at that instance. It worked! And here's the video.. bet she is going to blame Mummy if she watch this when she grows up.
Leanne's in school!
Monday, May 2, 2011
Family Trip to Margaret River & Perth - Days 5 to 7
That day also marked the end of the 5-day Easter holiday in Australia, and Fremantle was abuzz with excitement and fun. There were street buskers and performancers on the roads and market, and the crowd were exhilarated with the fun-filled atmosphere and engaging performances. Lleyton and Leanne were no exception.
Day 6 started with a stroll around the Perth city centre, where the family stayed at. After a quick dash to the local supermarket for supplies, the family headed for a picnic at King's Park! The kids enjoyed it tremendously. Lleyton was so excited by the feeding of the ducks that he wanted to give away almost all the food! He and Leanne fed the ducks with cereal, biscuits, and some bread.
After the picnic, it was shopping time. Mummy had her fill at Harbour Town Outlets. Following that, the family had a sumptuous seafood feast at the Fremantle wharf. It was a great meal of fresh seafood, comprising oysters, squid, various types of fish and chips amongst others.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Family trip to Perth - Day 1 to 4
The first day was spent travelling on flight, followed by another 3 hours drive from Perth airport to Margaret River. The supermarkets have closed by 7pm, so the family bought Pizzas and Fish&Chips take-away. Lleyton totally enjoyed the spa in the apartment, and insisted on having his bath in the Spa.
The family started off with a visit to the Market which was held during 2 Saturdays in every month. Lleyton had a go at designing his own Easter egg. A visit to the supermarket was made to stock up on groceries before they set off on the trip to Yallingup Shearing Shed. It was one of the the kiddos' first close encounters with farm animals. Both looked intently at the sheeps with curiousity, yet feeling reserved about feeding them. The rest of the day was spent travelling around the vicinity, with visits to Cullen Wines (2 bottles of Carbarnet Sauvignon Merlot), Simmos' (Ice)Creamy, Margaret River Nuts&Cereals etc. Dinner was home-cooked noodles, served with roast chicken and chips. The nights generally ended early, thus the adults continued with few rounds of card games after the kids fall asleep.
The third day was packed with more activities, with a short trip to Cape Leeuwin (Leeuwin Lighthouse at the the south-western tip of Australia) as it was along the way towards Jewel Caves. Tickets were bought for the 12pm visit to Jewel Caves, and unexpectedly there was a black-out in the cave half-way through the guided tour! A black-out in the cave = pitch-dark. The guide advised all to walk back the way where the tour started with the help of the pathetic torchlights. A refund of half the ticket price was given as the tour was more than half completed. Needless to say, few photos were taken (those taken were not clear as the cameras were not good enough). Lunch was at Karridale Tavern, a cosy little pub. Ordered pizza and fish & chips again.
After lunch was a visit to Leeuwin Estate, and Daddy bought another 2 bottles (of Brut).The day ended with a visit to Sunflower Farm. The kids were thrilled at the close promixity to little bunnies, chickens, sheeps, kangaroos. But what excite them most was the...playground.
(to be continued...)