Monday, October 17, 2011

Best friends..

One moment, they are best of friends..

The next moment, they are fighting over the minutest thing...

Month of celebrations

A large part of September was in a mess.. literally, due to the massive renovation works to the kitchen that started since early September. The entire kitchen was torn down and re-constructed with replacement of most of the equipment, including sink, cabinets, oven. Even the living area was not suitable for any activities as it was extremely dusty. The temporary kitchen was set up in the study.. that said, Daddy was lucky to be outstationed in the week when most of the hacking was done.

October is a more joyful month. With the kitchen completed, it's time to hold birthday parties for the October babies - , Weiwei, Daddy, Lleyton & Leanne, each of them less than 1 week apart from each other. The parties were kept simple, and they were held over a few Saturdays when the families gather during the weekends. In addition, both Lleyton and Leanne also had a joint birthday celebration in school!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Reward to the zoo!

Mummy has implemented a reward chart system for Lleyton: for every 5 stars awarded in each category, he will get his reward upon request.
1) Brush teeth twice a day = 1 big chocolate
2) Feed himself and finishes food in 30 min = Go to the Playground
3) Keep toys after playing = Go to the Zoo
He was keen in the initial stage, and was actively monitoring his stars. There were some negotiations along the way (including removing stars if he refused to do certain things) or swapping for stars with other categories. Finally when he received his full 5 stars for the "Zoo" category, Mummy arranged one big outing together with his cousins and Ah Ma, Ah Gong, Ah Yi etc.. Ah Yi kindly helped to obtain 2 corporate passes (= 8 adult entries) and off they went!

The 2 boys were seated comfortably in the push-cart, while Leanne sat in the stroller.. only weiwei has to complete the entire course on feet (which explains her grumpy look?) :)

Besides stopping to look at the animals along the way, the first show was the Splash Safari. The highlight of the day was a proposal that was pre-planned by one of the audiences, in collaboration with the zoo management. It was indeed touching though.. and all their family members were present to witness the event. What's more unforgettable was the "BIG SPLASH" that got Lleyton & Leanne totally drenched! Well, that again explains the change of clothes before they proceed to the Elephant Show.

For the rest of the day, the kids were enjoying themselves at the kids' playground and the kids' pool. Let the pictures do the talking...