It was indeed fortunate that Mummy could have some precious moments with the kids during her maternity leave.
Besides bringing Lleyton to weekday soccer classes, Mummy chose to bring along either Leanne or Llewyn to enjoy the nice evening breeze at the field.
Leanne wanted an ice-cream from a kiosk within Pasarbella. Coincidentally, the "Cotton Candy" that she selected was the same colour as the outfit Mummy and her wore.
Soccer training time!
The next day, Mummy spent another half a day with Lleyton at USS (right before expiry of the Annual Pass) while Leanne was at school. He decided on most of the rides and was game enough to try the Canopy Flyer this time. The day ended with a scoop of Ben and Jerry's ice-cream and a large pack of Garret's popcorn upon his request.