Monday, November 10, 2008

Urban hike to Plaza Sing

Yet another adventure to the City. This time the trio commenced from Jalan Besar Road, along the not so busy street on a quiet Sunday morning.

The trio stopped early for breakfast to store more energy for the long hike. Lleyton finished off his portion of porridge and the peanut butter sandwich that Mummy prepared. Don't be amazed at the speed he engulfed his food..

Next stop was the Thieves Market. Lleyton obviously was not interested in taking pictures as he was eyeing the fried sweet potato that an auntie was having by the roadside. Oh finally, here's Paradiz Centre.

Here at Mr Bean (Prinsep Street), Mummy could sense Lleyton dozing off and thus volunteered to take over from Daddy. Both Daddy and Mummy were still energetic and while making their way to Plaza Sing, Mummy was blabbering on and on about how she loves the morning hikes with Lleyton and Daddy. For the trips made her feel like she was on a backpacking tour.. kinda lame though. But she loves them anyway.
Last 2 pics taken at Plaza Sing and an attempt to take an artistic family portrait at the NEL:


PRIMA said...

You guys can really WALK! Bravo!

I sweat like hell sometimes when I need to fetch Chloe home alone from the inlaw's place.

Like... 5 mins walk??

PRIMA said...

Oh I just watched the video! very cute of Lleyton!! indeed fast speed yeah?

So, our babies can take skippy peanut butter already?

Daddy and Mummy said...

prima, you may have to make sure your baby is not allergic to nuts first.

Peanut butter could be a bit sweet.. but I guess not harm letting him try but not too often. :)

Re walking, we decided it's time for us to start exercising. Trying to make this a regular workout on weekends.