Sunday, December 14, 2008

Learning to Walk

Over the past two weeks, Lleyton has managed to learn to walk on his own, albeit for just a few steps. Daddy has tried to capture the early moments of his learning efforts, and managed to put together a few clips of hilarious instances.

Now, a better looking shot...


mama said...

Looks like Lleyton will soon be able to play hide and seek with his cousins!

Daddy and Mummy said...

yah, I think so. This was taken last Sunday. This week he could walk a fair distance without falling. We had to follow him in the direction he was heading.. tiring.. haha..

josiah n faith said...

yep, once they take their first tentative steps, it doesn't take too long before they're running all over the place! :P but on the bright side, you can look forward to less carrying for a while - at least until the novelty of walking wears off!