Saturday, October 24, 2009

More on Baby Leanne

Baby Leanne on Day 6

At 2 weeks old today, Leanne seems to have established her own routine of feeding and sleeping. She would take a long morning nap, a few short afternoon naps (waking up every 2 hours for feeds), stay awake for more feeds around evening till night.

According to Daddy, she is like a little camel storing up her reserves for the night. At around 9 to 10pm, she will fall asleep after more comfort suckling. Most of the time, she can sleep a full stretch of 6 hours on average, waking up at 4 or 5 am for her next feed and continues to sleep. Last night, she woke up once at 1am for her last feed, and slept through till 7am.

This routine seemed acceptable for Mummy who sleeps slightly before midnight. Somehow she is still a little apprehensive. She is ready for more unpredictable "patterns" of her little young one as she continues to watch her grow everyday.


josiah n faith said...

wow! leanne is a really considerate baby :) and i can see the resemblance to Lleyton in the last pic!

Corsage@A Dollop Of Me said...

Wow, that is really good! Bubbles is only sleeping longer now at about 5 weeks.

Leanne looks really delicate and sweet!

PRIMA said...

Leanne is beautiful! :)

mama said...

We also think Leanne looks like Lleyton!

Daddy and Mummy said...

Yes.. Sometimes it feels like I am carrying Lleyton when I carry her. :)

Emily said...

a female version of lleyton!