Saturday started with an early morning breakfast at Mcdonalds, where Mummy brought Lleyton and Leanne with the domestic helper, Ayen to the nearby City Square. Daddy had opted out for the event, as he slept in after a late night out celebrating his graduation. In the late morning, Lleyton went Daddy had promised Lleyton in his valedictorian speech. Lleyton was taught how to kick to propel himself through the water, and assured that his arm floats (and natural buoyancy) will keep him above water. Lleyton seemed to pick up those lessons fairly quickly and it was heartening to notice him picking himself up and telling himself that he still want to swim despite drinking mouthfuls of water in the process.
Another learning milestone for Lleyton is his demonstration of some bowel control, or notification. He is now beginning to be able to inform Mummy of his intention to "poo poo", such that he can be rushed on to the potty in time. He has successfully done that several times lately.
Sunday...same events, swimming and potty training for Lleyton. In addition, Daddy brought Mummy and Lleyton for Badminton, but Lleyton is really too young for the game, as he could only managed to drag the rackets over the floor, or use them like golf clubs to hit the shuttlecocks lying on the floor. Daddy's assessment: Lleyton is too young for badminton, better to focus on golf and swimming for now.
Another learning milestone for Lleyton is his demonstration of some bowel control, or notification. He is now beginning to be able to inform Mummy of his intention to "poo poo", such that he can be rushed on to the potty in time. He has successfully done that several times lately.
Sunday...same events, swimming and potty training for Lleyton. In addition, Daddy brought Mummy and Lleyton for Badminton, but Lleyton is really too young for the game, as he could only managed to drag the rackets over the floor, or use them like golf clubs to hit the shuttlecocks lying on the floor. Daddy's assessment: Lleyton is too young for badminton, better to focus on golf and swimming for now.
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