Saturday, December 12, 2009

Lleyton's year-end concert performance

It was the first time Lleyton had a public performance. He performed a total of 3 dances with the rest of his playgroup classmates. It was "entertaining" to see his performance as most of the time he was either fixated at a spot without any actions or walking all over the stage, while his classmates were all doing what they were taught.

Mummy couldn't catch a good view of him initially as he was placed right at the back of the stage. But when she could, Lleyton seemed to have spotted her and was looking at the direction of her camera instead on focusing on the dance.

The next clip showed Lleyton standing at a fixed spot without any actions. Catch the last few seconds of the clip whereby he walked over to the end of the stage to find a good spot to do the "all fall down" action!

Lleyton clapping and stamping to the music:

Lleyton's solo performance! Last one left on stage...

1 comment:

josiah n faith said...

*LOL* well, at least he didn't cry... bravo... am sure he'll be much better at this next year :)