Today is the day that Lleyton turns one. He has grown from a small baby (well..not exactly that small at 3.19kg) on Day 1 to a big baby / toddler today weighing almost 10kg.
There was no one day that he has stayed away from Mummy since he was discharged from hospital, except the 2 days that he has to re-admit to KKH for jaundice.
Today is also the day that Mummy decides to stop latching Lleyton, not that he is getting much out of it anyway. As what Daddy says.. it's probably nothing more than just a boost of anti-bodies twice daily. Kinda feel a sense of loss though. Lleyton probably feels the same.
Nonetheless, the bonding between Mummy (and Daddy) is strong, and will continue to be.
Both Mummy & Daddy are always looking forward to seeing him after work. It is so much fun letting him roll about in their bed, crawling around the bedroom and attempting to reach for things which are out of bounds. And if he dozes off, he will be placed back in his nice cosy cot.
Mummy & Daddy decided to go for a simple birthday dinner alone with Lleyton at Globetrotters, followed by dessert at Ben & Jerry's. His appetite is as good as ever, which has now become known trademark amongst all his friends and relatives.
Lleyton, may you stay happy and adorable always. Happy Birthday!
Love, Daddy & Mummy
Happy Birthday Lleyton!
Hope you like your Ben & Jerry too! Jae likes it alot and I think if we didn't stop her, she can finish 1 scoop of it. :)
Happy 1st birthday... and good years many more!
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